How to Give

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There are several ways you can make a gift to the ACOI. Please note that your gift is tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law.  

Give Online  

Make a one-time or sustaining pledge through our website

Give by Mail, UPS, or FedEx

Mail your check to:  
4250 North Fairfax Drive 
Suite 600 
Arlington, VA 22203  

Give Stock or Mutual Funds

The most popular way generous people help the American College of Osteopathic Internists is with an outright gift of cash or stock.  However, some find that they can also help by making a legacy gift which is a wise investment for securing the College’s future. It enables ACOI to plan long-term for strategic activities such as developing new initiatives critical to osteopathic internal medicine, creating more educational and training programs, and expanding outreach programs. With a secure financial base, ACOI can be more innovative and creative in cultivating new frontiers and serving the needs of its members

For more information, please contact Karen Caruth, Executive Director, at 301-231-8877 or  

Planned Giving 

Through legacy giving, ACOI’s mission and vision are strengthened, regardless of the challenges that may lie ahead. We have several types of planned giving options for you to consider:


By naming the College in your will you can give general support or name a specific program or service you want to help. Most people provide a percentage of what’s left after they have made provision for their family. A fixed dollar amount can be mentioned as well, but some find that a percentage is easier and doesn’t need to be reviewed as time goes by.

For those who might be interested in including ACOI in their wills or estate plans, here is the official language to use:

“I give, devise, and bequeath to the American College of Osteopathic Internists, a tax-exempt organization, located at 4250 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 600, Arlington, Virginia 22203, the sum of $__________ or percentage of (cash, real or personal property herein described) to be used for the specific purpose of ________________ or general purpose of the American College of Osteopathic Internists at the discretion of its board of directors.

Charitable Gift Annuity    

By establishing this special gift arrangement, often called the gift that gives back, donors receive a generous tax deduction and get money back for themselves or for themselves and one other (usually a spouse) at an attractive interest rate for their entire life. You can ask for a confidential personalized illustration of how this can work for you, particularly now with low-paying CDs and low interest rates. For younger ACOI members, establishing a deferred gift annuity can provide supplemental retirement funds in the future.

Retirement Plan Proceeds  

By naming ACOI the recipient of retirement plan proceeds many can avoid negative estate tax consequences while helping others and providing heirs with other less-taxed assets. You can ask ACOI to see if this can reduce your estate tax liability.

Charitable Trusts 
By establishing one of several different types of trusts with either fixed or variable payments, savvy ACOI donors dramatically reduce their estate taxes, avoid probate, shelter funds for themselves and their family and receive a generous tax deduction. Ask ACOI how and for a confidential personalized financial illustration that will be tailored to your unique situation or needs.

Real Estate, Homes, or Vacation Property  
By donating a house or property you no longer need, you will receive a generous tax deduction based on its full market value. By keeping the right to live in your home for life or until you no longer need it, you can stay in it and receive a generous tax deduction. Ask ACOI to show you how this can work for you.

Life Insurance

Many people have insurance policies they no longer need. By making ACOI the owner and beneficiary, you will receive an immediate tax deduction and the joy of knowing that what once gave you and your family peace of mind will now help others. Ask ACOI how this can work for you.

Our staff and planned giving counsel are ready to provide confidential information on ways you can help yourself and your family, while making gifts that will go on to help ACOI and others. For more information or to schedule a consultation with our planned giving counsel, please contact Karen Caruth, Executive Director, at 301-231-8877 or


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