Resident/Fellow Poster Contest

The ACOI is pleased to announce the 2024 awards for Original Research Abstract and Case Presentation Posters prepared by residents or fellows in internal medicine and its subspecialties.

Cash awards of $1,500, $1,000, and $750 will be made for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place original research abstract posters as judged at the ACOI 2024 Annual Convention & Scientific Sessions, October 30 – November 2, 2024 in Scottsdale, Arizona. In addition, the top three finishers will present their work at a plenary session of the Annual Convention and receive reimbursement of their travel costs (1-2 nights at hotel and coach air travel), if not paid by your training program. Registration for ACOI 2024 is free for residents along with all meal functions provided by ACOI.

Abstract subjects are to be related to internal medicine and its subspecialties. There are no restrictions as to content, and the entry may represent, but is not limited to: original research, a retrospective analysis, a prospective analysis, etc. Relevance or application to osteopathic principles and practice is encouraged.

A second category for competition will include an interesting case(s) analyzed against a review of the literature to support and/or refute the analysis. There will be separate cash awards of $1,000, $750 and $500 for the top three case presentation posters. These awards will be presented during the plenary session mentioned above. Funding constraints do not allow reimbursement for travel for the top three finishers in the case presentation competition.

Submissions for 2024 are now closed.

For more information, contact Kara Kerns. To see a list of past winners, click here

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