Advertising in ACOinfo
The American College of Osteopathic Internists represents current and aspiring osteopathic internal medicine physicians and subspecialists. As the premier community for osteopathic internists, ACOI provides leadership, networking, and education to help our members be successful and stay true to why they pursued medicine.
ACOinfo is a monthly email news blast that covers osteopathic internal medicine with in-depth interviews with members, opportunities to earn CME, news from the community, and more. Issues are distributed to over 15,000 subscribers, including ACOI members. Ads will be placed directly in the email, so no further clicks are required by our audience to see your ad.
ACOinfo emails are sent out at the end of the month. Advertisements are due by the 20th of the month.
The cost of an ad in ACOinfo is $500 per issue for a 1200w x 300h pixel image. We can link this image to a website of your choosing. Advertisers who post a listing for three consecutive months will receive the third month free of charge. Please see the specifications below for more details to provide to your designer.
Cancellations must be received by email to Katie Allen at by five business days before the end of the month.
Advertisement Specifications and Deadlines
All ads must be sent in jpg or png format and must be 1200w x 300h pixels. If your advertisement does not meet these specifications, we will ask you to resend. We recommend that your ads have a resolution of 300 pixels and be in RGB color for best display quality.
Advertisements must be emailed to Katie Allen at by the 20th of the month.
If you have any questions, please contact Katie Allen at